Sexual Wellness

What is Sexual Wellness?
Sexual wellness is more than just a state of physical health; it represents a balanced blend of the emotional, mental, and relational aspects of sexuality. The true essence of sexual wellness lies in:
- Recognizing and respecting individual desires, needs, and boundaries.
- Understanding the balance between hormones, emotions, and physical health.
- Addressing concerns to achieve optimal sexual health and satisfaction.
What Sexual Wellness Treatments Are Available?
There's a diverse range of treatments available, tailored to cater to the unique aspects of every individual's sexual health:
- Hormonal Therapy: This approach balances the crucial hormones that influence sexual health.
- Counseling: A medium to address and resolve emotional or relational impediments affecting sexual well-being.
- Physical Therapies: Procedures like pelvic floor exercises or treatments targeted to enhance genital area blood flow and nerve function.
- Medication: Drugs, especially sexual wellness medicine, can address concerns like erectile dysfunction or a decreased libido.
- Natural Treatments: Incorporating herbal supplements or dietary changes can naturally boost sexual health.
What are Examples of Sexual Wellness?
Attaining sexual wellness might be subjective, varying from person to person. Yet, some universal benchmarks set the tone:
- Open Communication: Openly discussing desires, boundaries, and needs with one's partner can pave the way for a fulfilling sexual journey.
- Regular Medical Check-ups: Ensuring optimal reproductive and sexual health is crucial.
- Mental Well-being: Delving into therapy or counseling can assist in resolving underlying emotional hurdles.
- Educational Pursuits: Staying abreast with the latest in sexual wellness medicine and treatments empowers individuals to make informed decisions.
- Safety Measures: Practicing safe sex is indispensable to protect against STIs and avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Sexual Wellness Treatment in Los Angeles and Surrounding Cities
Dr. Michael T. Jones offers Sexual Wellness service in Los Angeles, Malibu, Palos Verdes, and Newport Beach. Book your same-day virtual consultation now!
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For a limited time, Dr. Jones is offering a complimentary 5-10 minute consultation for new patients. This is your chance to discuss your needs, ask questions, and discover how Dr. Jones can assist you in your wellness journey.